New Canaan Board of Realtors

If you are an Owner, Principal, Partner, etc. please complete the Supplement, in addition to this Application. You will be prompted to upload a completed copy of the Supplement on the application.
I understand and agree to the following application and approval procedures and certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, may be grounds for revocation of my membership, if granted.
I will satisfactorily complete the NAR Code of Ethics test and any other By-Laws and Rules & Regulations tests required by the NC Board. I will participate in new member orientation.
I agree that if accepted for Membership I shall pay the fees and dues as established by the Board of Directors.
Upon termination of membership for any cause, I understand that any and all payment of dues and fees are non- refundable.
Dues Payments are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Portions of such payments may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.
Payment of all fees and dues accompany this application.
By submitting this form, I agree to abide by the bylaws of the NCBOR and any other applicable rules and regulations as from time to time amended or adopted.
Membership in this Association necessarily means that I am also a member of the State Association and the National Association of Realtors. These memberships are pro-rated by month. The amount for the date you submit this will appear in the payment section.
I agree to be bound by the Code of Ethics of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, which includes the duty to mediate and arbitrate any future disputes with another Member in accordance with the Board’s procedures as well as the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of this Association, the State Association and the National Association. Further, if required, I agree to satisfactorily complete the periodic Code of Ethics training and a reasonable and non-discriminatory written examination on such code, Constitutions, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations. I understand the maximum fine for violations for the Code of Ethics and violations of other membership duties is stated in the By-Laws.
I acknowledge that if I am accepted as a Member and I subsequently resign from membership in the Board with an ethics complaint or arbitration request pending, the Board of Directors may condition my right to reapply for membership upon verification that I will submit to the pending ethics or arbitration proceeding and will abide by the decision of the Hearing Panel; or if I resign without having complied with an award in arbitration, the Board of Directors may condition any re-application upon my promise to pay the award, plus any costs that have previously been established as due and payable by me, provided that the award has not, in the meanwhile, been otherwise satisfied.
By providing and/or updating your contact information, including any mobile or other phone numbers, you agree to be contacted by NAR, Connecticut REALTORS®, New Canaan Board of REALTORS®, and their agents via text messages, SMS messages, and calls to cell phones including the use of pre-recorded electronic message calls, as well as calls made via automatic telephone dialing systems or via email. You further agree to update the association with any changes to your contact information and to permit the association to update contact information with information provided by any multiple listing service as part and continuation of this consent.